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Tuesday, August 8, 2023

How To Make Your Child Your Joy For Ever

 Building a lasting bond with your child involves open communication, mutual respect, spending quality time together, offering guidance, and showing unconditional love and support. It's important to create a positive and nurturing environment that allows them to grow, learn, and express themselves. Building strong relationships takes time and effort, but the rewards of a joyful and fulfilling connection can last a lifetime.

To foster a lifelong joyful relationship with your child, consider these tips:

Unconditional Love: Show consistent love and support, letting them know you value them for who they are, regardless of their achievements or behavior.

Quality Time: Spend meaningful time together doing activities you both enjoy. This builds shared memories and strengthens your bond.

Active Listening: Pay attention to their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Show genuine interest and validate their emotions.

Respect and Empathy: Treat them with respect, understanding their perspective even if you disagree. Teach them empathy by modeling it yourself.

Open Communication: Encourage open dialogue, so they feel comfortable discussing anything with you without fear of judgment.

Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries and rules, helping them understand expectations while also allowing room for their individuality.

Support their Interests: Encourage their hobbies and passions, showing enthusiasm and being their biggest cheerleader.

Teach Life Skills: Guide them through essential life skills and decision-making, fostering their independence and confidence.

Positive Reinforcement: Acknowledge their achievements and efforts, boosting their self-esteem and motivation.

Be a Role Model: Model the behavior and values you want them to adopt, as children often learn by observing their parents.

Apologize and Learn: When you make mistakes, apologize and demonstrate the importance of accountability and growth.

Create Traditions: Establish traditions that are meaningful to your family, providing a sense of continuity and connection.

Respect Their Individuality: Allow them to express themselves and pursue their own interests, even if they differ from your own.

Adapt and Evolve: As they grow, be willing to adapt your parenting style to their changing needs and stages of development.

Patience: Building a strong bond takes time. Be patient, and remember that ups and downs are part of any relationship.

Remember, every child is unique, so tailor your approach to their personality and needs. The goal is to build a foundation of trust, love, and understanding that will help them become confident, resilient, and joyful individuals throughout their lives.

Friday, December 6, 2019


Biologists classify human beings as animals. Whether true or not, animalistic traits are more prominently displayed during childhood and in some individuals who were not raised well, especially in terms of morality and spirituality.

During the childhood stage, many of the behaviors exhibited by children are concerning and may even seem condemnable. Rather than condemning these behaviors, they should be studied and modified to align with normalcy. Over time, these initially troublesome behaviors can transform into commendable characteristics as the child matures.

Children can be quite demanding during their early years, especially when seeking something from their mothers. Additionally, some children may exhibit oppressive behaviors, particularly towards their siblings. If these behaviors persist, they may develop into bullying tendencies within the classroom environment.

Some children exhibit shyness at a young age, which could result in a lack of participation in the classroom and potentially lead to academic struggles.

Greediness can also manifest in some children to the extent that they refuse to share what has been given to them. Conversely, some children may demonstrate generosity, willingly sharing their possessions with others.

Furthermore, many children tend to display laziness, which can lead to irresponsibility. On the other hand, there are highly generous children who selflessly ask for things on behalf of their friends, demonstrating their willingness to give.

The responsibility for correcting these behavioral anomalies lies with the parents, who play roles as modifiers, rehabilitators, redirectors, and guides for their children. Through the concerted efforts of parents, these negative tendencies can be transformed into positive traits in the children's lives.

With consistent and dedicated guidance, these worrisome behaviors can contribute to a brighter future for the children. Those who exhibit stubbornness may become advocates for freedom, fighting against oppression and injustice. Those who were once oppressive may learn the value of empathy and stand against oppression.

Children who are shy during their tender years can grow up to be approachable individuals who are humble yet responsible. With proper training, those who tend to be miserly can become skilled managers with a sense of accountability.

The greedy ones can develop into successful entrepreneurs, particularly skilled in investments. Lazy children, when properly guided, may excel in prioritizing important aspects of their lives, effectively managing resources, time, and people.

Generous children may evolve into philanthropists, showing compassion and forgiveness while also becoming effective leaders. Without proper guidance, they may become extravagant and transgressors.

In any case, parents play a significant role in shaping their children's behavior through training. Later on, the broader community and society also contribute to this process.

Monday, February 19, 2018


Child bearing and upbringing are unavoidably the primary assignment of every human being, males or females. It is this child bearing and upbringing that ensures continuity of human species, in whose hand the coordination of all other creatures lie. As social animals, man is endowed with intelligence to discover, explore and manipulate the nature.
So, such a person needs to be well handled and brought up to meet up with the huge tasks and challenges ahead of him. This call for the topic

The following are some expertise research concerning raising a child.
1. Find Time For Your Kids.
The first thing your child needs from you is maximum attention. To pay attention means finding time for him.
Take interest in what he is doing. Encourage him if he is doing the right thing. This will give him confidence . Discourage him if he is doing wrong. This will assist him in differentiating between good and bad deeds. Listen to him to know his problems and find solution to them.
With these, you will learn about his unique personality and traits as well natural gifts endowed with him to help his development later in life.

Let Him Know What He Is To You.
   Do you know your child don't know what he is to you until you let him know who he is to you.
Have you noticed that some children love going to some people else aside from his father or mother.
Let you child know that you love him dairly and let him know how much important he is to you. This will profer confidence and sense of belonging. Children love to possess. Knowing and having you as his father is a special possession he ever has. Thus you are his pride.

Train Him That Challenges Builds One To Be Strong.
Train him how to face challenges all alone and never run away from it. This achieved. It could be that he wants to change school, leave a friend, stop a program.
You can ask him why he want to leave,or discontinue the program. You let him see he had gone with it, what he has achieved in it, and potential opportunities he will get from it if he stay put.
Carry Him Along In Your Daily Routine.
Involve him actively in your home core. Appreciate his effort even if he got it wrong. He will become smart and perfect after continuous interesting participation.

Train Him To Be A Controller Of Negative Emotion.
Negative emotions like anger,hatred, shame, envy and a host of others suppresses passion and care for others. Let him see the positive consequence of the attitude and desuade them from it. Preach the positive opposites of these emotions and inculcate it in them. Let them see that love for others, spreading of happiness ,caring and sharing improve personal mood and aid development.
Acquaint Him With Worlds Beyond The Family.
Let him know that the world doesn't end with the micro-world family level he is in, and that the family is just the beginning. Let him know of other existing races, cultures, religion, countries, languages and so on. Let him know these are not against him but for him to explore for the benefits contained in them. For the roles awaiting him. For the contribution he has to fulfil. Let him watch films, movies, music's, football matches religious programs and see the different roles different people of diverse background play. Especially, football matches like Europian Leagues, let him see how players from Asian, Africa, Europe,America and so on form a team.

Friday, January 8, 2016


A child is a family member. He is a  member of a community. Nay ,he belong to the world,the world belongs to him. He has rights to receive and responsibilities to discharge. Therefore,he should not be denied his rights,nor disallowed to carry out responsibilities.

A child is not to be oppressed. He is not to be cheated. Instead,his place should be recognised in the community as well as the nation and the world.

When the youth are denied the right to education,community development, self expresson and other civic rights,we should know we are running the next generation to ruin.

Children are not to be abused socialy, emotionaly and psycologicaly. They are not for sexual harasment, illegal advertidement, political instrument,religious sacrifice and other influential illicit activities.

Children are not to be taken for granted. They are not to be ignored. They needs to be given their accorded respect and recognition. They are our future. They will retain our culture, our religion, our ideology, our value, our principle,our philosophy.

They cannot and should not be imposed with our philosophy or belief, but they can be trained with the right knowledge that can lead to their understanding of our belief s and philosophy and religion. Even on the course they want s to do at higher institutions, we should not impose our course interest in them we can't say I am a lawyer, I want him or her to replace me.  Let him go his way with his god-sent missioned area of specialization.
Because of their ironic position in the community, all hands must be on deck to ensure their full establishment as our future adams.
It is our responsibility to guide them to all that will promote their well being and aid their progress,with no discrimination of  where they come from.
We are to guard them against all evils and negative occurrences. Their security lies in our hands.
We are to give them courage to forge fort. They need our support to be successful in their educational pursuits.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


It seems life is incomplete without a child.It is as if everyone has been created with special interest in children upbringing in their blood. Of course this enable the fulfilment of biological principle of continuity as well as heavenly scriptural prophecy.
New born baby is a gift and blessings of nature. It is now left to man to nurture it and thus,reap the consequence of his stewardship.
We may therefore have to explore into  What a child is.
To some,it is just part of life. It has little or no value to engage one in caring of whole-heartedly.
Some consider it worthwhile,while some regard it as an investment to reap at old age.
Child is a gift of nature. It is a means of continuity.through child bearing.we have certainty to everlasting existence of human specie like other living creatures.
It is agreat mistake discriminating among innocent children,when it is incumbent on us to take proper care of them.
They are trust on us,at least to aid the continuity. The Supreme Being wants to see how we are going to tender His special gift. We will surely reap what we sow. For if we do it the right way.we get the blessing attached to it;however if we do it the wrong way,we surfer for it.Nay,not only we reap the consequence,but the whole community,the nation and the whole world,entirely. We can see what is happening everywhere,terrorism.oppression.tyranny and gross of disorderliness, today. These are consequencies of yesterday mismanagement of the children.
Children are more to us than how we handle them.
A child is an asset. Is an ambassador of the parent.

What do you think a child is?let us have your comment.
Also,do you have anybody you think needs this information,send him this link.